Plans for the second edition
I'm currently working on a 2nd edition for the book. Here's an outline of what I'm planning.
This is my book about Test-Driven-Development for web programming, published by the excellent O'Reilly Media.
There are a few ways you can read and support this book:
Obviously these are my favourite options! O'Reilly have been great, they deserve your support, and although I only get a small amount in royalties (about a dollar per sale if you're curious), it still pays for the occasional dinner out every month which I appreciate. Plus, real physical books are nice...
TIP: I don't recommend you use Google Play Books, or at least not their PDF version, it's horrible
Alternatively, or in the meantime, help yourself here! It's all free and CC-licenced (thanks O'Reilly!). I see this as a "try-before-you-buy" scheme, and I hope that if you enjoy it you'll buy a copy -- if not for yourself, then perhaps for a friend!
And do get in touch with comments, suggestions, corrections etc! [email protected]
I'm currently working on a 2nd edition for the book. Here's an outline of what I'm planning.
Coming to EuroPython this year? Will you be there on the Sunday beforehand? Come help coach some beginners!
Following the success of the "beginners' day" at EuroPython 2015, I'm running a "Python Bootcamp" for beginners at Pycon US this year, and I need your help!
Since Persona is being retired later this year, I'm planning a new edition. What changes and improvements would you like to see?
I'm running some new workshops loosely based on some of the later chapters in the book, aimed at discussing some intermediate TDD issues: the outside-in approach, and the pros and cons of mocks and test isolation.
An ill-advised experiment in process management ends up with interesting comparisons of different Python async frameworks, and some tests that work for all of them.
How we replaced a bunch of ugly, mocky tests for our redis integration with redislite, and made them much better.
Another OT post, this one a short playlist of three autumnal songs.
Totally off-topic, but my brief notes on getting HiDPI working with Ubuntu
A whirlwind tour of BDD, and my first impressions
The book is available both for free and for money. It's all about TDD and Web programming. Read it here!
"Hands down the best teaching book I've ever read" — "Even the first 4 chapters were worth the money" — "Oh my gosh! This book is outstanding" — "The testing goat is my new friend" — Read more...
A selection of links and videos about TDD, not necessarily all mine, eg this tutorial at PyCon 2013, how to motivate coworkers to write unit tests, thoughts on Django's test tools, London-style TDD and more.
This is my old TDD tutorial, which follows along with the official Django tutorial, but with full TDD. It badly needs updating. Read the book instead!
The campaign page, preserved for history, which led to the glorious presence of the Testing Goat on the front of the book.