My TDD / Django Tutorial at PyCon 2013 (video)
The legendary Gary Bernhardt on unit test speed at Pycon 2013: Fast Tests, Slow test, and a follow-up / complement called Boundaries. I'm probably a bit lax about fast tests... (video)
Emily Bache's online course in Python unit testing featuring the excellent py.test. (paywall)
Another PyCon talk on how to get started with automated testing (video)
Flipping the bit "What if you were on the Starship Enterprise and the warp coil was seconds away from an anti-matter explosion and all you needed to do was invert one IF statement to save the ship. Would you use TDD for that?: Yes." Thanks, uncle Bob.
TDD London Style with Ruby RSpec by Gary Bernhardt again. Ruby, sacrilege obviously, but RSpec is pretty cool, Gary's typing has to be seen to be believed, and if "London Style" is actually a think I guess I have to link to it! (video)
Steve Freeman, author of "Growing Object-Oriented software guided by tests", does an excellent analysis of the things that can go wrong with TDD (Video).
Selenium are really pushing the boundaries -- you can now use Selenium to test mobile apps -- and not just the mobile browsers, native apps too. (video)
Carl Meyer's thoughts on Testing and Django, good on the pitfalls of using the database too much in "unit" tests (something I probably need to talk about in the book...). See also this discussion on /r/Python (video)
How can I motivate coworkers to write unit tests? (thanks Jason)
Want to get really chin-strokey about testing? Read Mocks aren't stubs, and form some strong opinions about what the One True Way should be...
Make them in the comments below!
The book is available both for free and for money. It's all about TDD and Web programming. Read it here!
"Hands down the best teaching book I've ever read" — "Even the first 4 chapters were worth the money" — "Oh my gosh! This book is outstanding" — "The testing goat is my new friend" — Read more...
A selection of links and videos about TDD, not necessarily all mine, eg this tutorial at PyCon 2013, how to motivate coworkers to write unit tests, thoughts on Django's test tools, London-style TDD and more.
This is my old TDD tutorial, which follows along with the official Django tutorial, but with full TDD. It badly needs updating. Read the book instead!
The campaign page, preserved for history, which led to the glorious presence of the Testing Goat on the front of the book.
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