User Authentication, Spiking, and De-Spiking
Our beautiful lists site has been live for a few days, and our users are starting to come back to us with feedback. "We love the site", they say, "but we keep losing our lists. Manually remembering URLs is hard. It’d be great if it could remember what lists we’d started".
Remember Henry Ford and faster horses. Whenever you hear a user requirement, it’s important to dig a little deeper and think—what is the real requirement here? And how can I make it involve a cool new technology I’ve been wanting to try out?
Clearly the requirement here is that people want to have some kind of user account on the site. So, without further ado, let’s dive into authentication.
Naturally we’re not going to mess about with remembering passwords ourselves—besides being so '90s, secure storage of user passwords is a security nightmare we’d rather leave to someone else. We’ll use something fun called passwordless auth instead.
(If you insist on storing your own passwords, Django’s default auth module is ready and waiting for you. It’s nice and straightforward, and I’ll leave it to you to discover on your own.)
Passwordless Auth With "Magic Links"
What authentication system could we use to avoid storing passwords ourselves? Oauth? Openid? "Login with Facebook"? Ugh. For me those all have unacceptable creepy overtones; why should Google or Facebook know what sites you’re logging into and when?
In the first edition I used an experimental project called "Persona", cooked up by a some of the wonderful techno-hippy-idealists at Mozilla, but sadly that project was abandoned.
Instead, for the second edition, I found a fun approach to authentication that now goes by the name of "Magic Links", but you might call it "just use email".
The system was invented (or at least popularised) back in 2014 by someone annoyed at having to create new passwords for so many websites. They found themselves just using random, throwaway passwords, not even trying to remember them, and using the "forgot my password" feature whenever he needed to log in again. You can read all about it on Medium.
The concept is: just use email to verify someone’s identity. If you’re going to have a "forgot my password" feature, then you’re trusting email anyway, so why not just go the whole hog? Whenever someone wants to log in, we generate a unique URL for them to use, email it to them, and they then click through that to get into the site.
It’s by no means a perfect system, and in fact there are lots of subtleties to be thought through before it would really make a good login solution for a production website, but this is just a fun toy project so let’s give it a go.
A Somewhat Larger Spike
To get this Magic Links project set up, the first thing I did was take a look at existing Python and Django authentication packages, like django-allauth and python-social-auth, but both of them looked overcomplicated for this stage (and besides, it’ll be more fun to code our own!).
So instead I dived in and hacked about, and after a few dead ends and wrong turns, I had something which just about works. I’ll take you on a tour, and then we’ll go through and "de-spike" the implementation—that is, replace the prototype with tested, production-ready code.
You should go ahead and add this code to your own site too, and then you can have a play with it. Try logging in with your own email address, and convince yourself that it really does work.
Starting a Branch for the Spike
This spike is going to be a bit more involved than the last one, so we’ll be a little more rigorous with our version control.
Before embarking on a spike it’s a good idea to start a new branch, so you can still use your VCS without worrying about your spike commits getting mixed up with your production code:
$ git switch -c passwordless-spike
Let’s keep track of some of the things we’re hoping to learn from the spike:
Frontend Log in UI
Let’s start with the frontend, hacking in an actual form to be able to enter your email address into the navbar, and a logout link for users who are already authenticated:
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar">
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<p>Logged in as {{ }}</p>
<form method="POST" action="/accounts/logout">
{% csrf_token %}
<button id="id_logout" type="submit">Log out</button>
{% else %}
<form method="POST" action ="accounts/send_login_email">
Enter email to log in: <input name="email" type="text" />
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}
<div class="row justify-content-center p-5 bg-body-tertiary rounded-3">
Sending Emails from Django
The login in theory will be something like this:
When someone wants to log in, we generate a unique secret token for them, store it in the database linked to their email, and send it to them.
The user then checks their email, which will have a link to a URL that includes that token.
When they click that link, we check whether the token exists in the database, and if so, they are logged in as the associated user.
First let’s prep an app for our accounts stuff:
$ cd src && python startapp accounts
And we’ll wire up with at least one URL. In the top-level superlists/…
from django.urls import include, path
from lists import views as list_views
urlpatterns = [
path("", list_views.home_page, name="home"),
path("lists/", include("lists.urls")),
path("accounts/", include("accounts.urls")),
And in the accounts module’s
from django.urls import path
from accounts import views
urlpatterns = [
path("send_login_email", views.send_login_email, name="send_login_email"),
Here’s the view that’s in charge of creating a token associated with the email address the user puts in our login form:
import sys
import uuid
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.shortcuts import render
from accounts.models import Token
def send_login_email(request):
email = request.POST["email"]
uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
Token.objects.create(email=email, uid=uid)
print("saving uid", uid, "for email", email, file=sys.stderr)
url = request.build_absolute_uri(f"/accounts/login?uid={uid}")
"Your login link for Superlists",
f"Use this link to log in:\n\n{url}",
return render(request, "login_email_sent.html")
For that to work we’ll need a template with a placeholder message confirming the email was sent:
<h1>Email sent</h1>
<p>Check your email, you'll find a message with a link that will log you into
the site.</p>
(You can see how hacky this code is—we’d want to integrate this template with our base.html in the real version.)
Email Server Config for Django
The django docs on email
explain how send_mail()
works, as well as how you configure it
by telling Django what email server to use,
and how to authenticate with it.
I’m just using my Gmail[1]
account for now.
You can use any email provider you like, as long as they support SMTP:
EMAIL_HOST_USER = "[email protected]"
If you want to use Gmail as well, you’ll probably have to visit your Google account security settings page. If you’re using two-factor auth, you’ll want to set up an app-specific password. If you’re not, you will probably still need to allow access for less secure apps. You might want to consider creating a new Google account for this purpose, rather than using one containing sensitive data. |
Another Secret, Another Environment Variable
Once again, we have a "secret"
that we want to avoid keeping directly in our source code or on GitHub,
so another environment variable gets used in the os.environ.get
To get this to work, we need to set it in the shell that’s running my dev server:
$ export EMAIL_PASSWORD="ur-email-server-password-here"
Later we’ll see about adding that to the env file on the staging server as well.
Storing Tokens in the Database
How are we doing? Let’s review where we’re at in the process:
We’ll need a model to store our tokens in the database—they link an email address with a unique ID. Pretty simple:
from django.db import models
class Token(models.Model):
email = models.EmailField()
uid = models.CharField(max_length=255)
Yes, I know Django supports UID fields in databases, but I just want to keep things simple for now. The point of this spike is about authentication and emails, not optimising database storage. We’ve got enough things we need to learn as it is!
Let’s switch on our new accounts app in
# "django.contrib.admin",
We can then do a quick migrations dance to add the token model to the db:
$ python src/ makemigrations Migrations for 'accounts': src/accounts/migrations/ + Create model Token $ python src/ migrate Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: accounts, auth, contenttypes, lists, sessions Running migrations: Applying accounts.0001_initial... OK
And at this point, if you actually try the email form in your browser, you’ll see we can actually send email! See Looks like we might have sent an email and Yep looks like we received it

Custom Authentication Models
OK so we’ve done the first half of "generate and recognise unique tokens":
Before we can move on to recognising them and making the login work end-to-end though, we need to sort out user authentication in Django. The first thing we’ll need is a user model. I took a dive into the Django auth documentation and tried to hack in the simplest possible one:
from django.contrib.auth.models import (
class ListUser(AbstractBaseUser):
email = models.EmailField(primary_key=True)
# REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['email', 'height']
objects = ListUserManager()
def is_staff(self):
return == "[email protected]"
def is_active(self):
return True
That’s what I call a minimal user model! One field, none of this firstname/lastname/username nonsense, and, pointedly, no password! Somebody else’s problem!
But, again, you can see that this code isn’t ready for production, from the commented-out lines to the hardcoded harry email address. We’ll neaten this up quite a lot when we de-spike.
To get it to work, I needed to add a model manager for the user, for some reason:
class ListUserManager(BaseUserManager):
def create_user(self, email):
def create_superuser(self, email, password):
No need to worry about what a model manager is at this stage; for now we just need it because we need it, and it works. When we de-spike, we’ll examine each bit of code that actually ends up in production and make sure we understand it fully.
We’ll need another makemigrations/migrate
to make the and user model real:
$ python src/ makemigrations Migrations for 'accounts': src/accounts/migrations/ + Create model ListUser $ python src/ migrate [...] Running migrations: Applying accounts.0002_listuser... OK
Finishing the Custom Django Auth
Let’s review our scratchpad:
Hmm, we can’t quite cross off anything yet. Turns out the steps we thought we’d go through aren’t quite the same as the steps we’re actually going through (this is not uncommon as I’m sure you know).
Still, we’re almost there—our last step will combine recognising the token and then actually logging the user in. Once we’ve done this, we’ll be able to pretty much strike off all the items on our scratchpad.
So here’s the view that actually handles the click through from the link in the email:
import sys
import uuid
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
from accounts.models import Token
def send_login_email(request):
def login(request):
print("login view", file=sys.stderr)
uid = request.GET.get("uid")
user = authenticate(request, uid=uid)
if user is not None:
auth_login(request, user)
return redirect("/")
The authenticate()
function invokes Django’s authentication framework,
which we configure using a "custom authentication backend",
whose job it is to validate the UID and return a user with the right email.
We could have done this stuff directly in the view, but we may as well structure things the way Django expects. It makes for a reasonably neat separation of concerns:
import sys
from accounts.models import ListUser, Token
from django.contrib.auth.backends import BaseBackend
class PasswordlessAuthenticationBackend(BaseBackend):
def authenticate(self, request, uid):
print("uid", uid, file=sys.stderr)
if not Token.objects.filter(uid=uid).exists():
print("no token found", file=sys.stderr)
return None
token = Token.objects.get(uid=uid)
print("got token", file=sys.stderr)
user = ListUser.objects.get(
print("got user", file=sys.stderr)
return user
except ListUser.DoesNotExist:
print("new user", file=sys.stderr)
return ListUser.objects.create(
def get_user(self, email):
return ListUser.objects.get(email=email)
Again, lots of debug prints in there, and some duplicated code, not something we’d want in production, but it works… as long as we add it to
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "accounts.ListUser"
And finally, a logout view:
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login
from django.contrib.auth import logout as auth_logout
def logout(request):
return redirect("/")
Add login and logout to our…
urlpatterns = [
path("send_login_email", views.send_login_email, name="send_login_email"),
path("login", views.login, name="login"),
path("logout", views.logout, name="logout"),
And we should be all done!
Spin up a dev server with runserver
and try it—believe it or not,
it actually works:
(It works! It works! Mwahahahaha.).

If you get an SMTPSenderRefused error message, don’t forget to set
the EMAIL_PASSWORD environment variable in the shell that’s running
runserver .
Also, if you see a message saying "Application-specific password required.",
that’s a Gmail security policy. Follow the link in the error message.
That’s pretty much it! Along the way, I had to fight pretty hard, including clicking around the Gmail account security UI for a while, stumbling over several missing attributes on my custom user model (because I didn’t read the docs properly), and even at one point switching to the dev version of Django to overcome a bug, which thankfully turned out to be a red herring.
But we now have a working solution! Let’s commit it on our spike branch:
$ git status $ git add src/accounts $ git commit -am "spiked in custom passwordless auth backend"
Time to de-spike!
De-spiking means rewriting your prototype code using TDD. We now have enough information to "do it properly". So what’s the first step? An FT, of course!
We’ll stay on the spike branch for now, to see our FT pass against our spiked code. Then we’ll go back to our main branch and commit just the FT.
Here’s a first, simple version of the FT:
import re
from django.core import mail
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from .base import FunctionalTest
TEST_EMAIL = "[email protected]"
SUBJECT = "Your login link for Superlists"
class LoginTest(FunctionalTest):
def test_login_using_magic_link(self):
# Edith goes to the awesome superlists site
# and notices a "Log in" section in the navbar for the first time
# It's telling her to enter her email address, so she does
self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[name=email]").send_keys(
# A message appears telling her an email has been sent
lambda: self.assertIn(
"Check your email",
self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "body").text,
# She checks her email and finds a message
email = mail.outbox.pop() (1)
self.assertEqual(email.subject, SUBJECT)
# It has a URL link in it
self.assertIn("Use this link to log in", email.body)
url_search ="http://.+/.+$", email.body)
if not url_search:"Could not find url in email body:\n{email.body}")
url =
self.assertIn(self.live_server_url, url)
# she clicks it
# she is logged in!
lambda: self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#id_logout"),
navbar = self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".navbar")
self.assertIn(TEST_EMAIL, navbar.text)
1 | Were you worried about how we were going to handle retrieving emails in our
tests? Thankfully we can cheat for now! When running tests, Django gives
us access to any emails the server tries to send via the mail.outbox
attribute. We’ll discuss checking "real" emails in chapter _. |
And if we run the FT, it works!
$ python src/ test functional_tests.test_login [...] Not Found: /favicon.ico saving uid [...] login view uid [...] got token new user . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 2.729s OK
You can even see some of the debug output I left in my spiked view implementations. Now it’s time to revert all of our temporary changes, and reintroduce them one by one in a test-driven way.
Reverting Our Spiked Code
$ git switch main # switch back to main branch $ rm -rf src/accounts # remove any trace of spiked code $ git add src/functional_tests/ $ git commit -m "FT for login via email"
Now we rerun the FT and let it drive our development:
$ python src/ test functional_tests.test_login selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate element: input[name=email]; [...] [...]
The first thing it wants us to do is add an email input element. Bootstrap has some built-in classes for navigation bars, so we’ll use them, and include a form for the login email:
<div class="container">
<nav class="navbar">
<div class="container-fluid">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/">Superlists</a>
<form method="POST" action="/accounts/send_login_email">
<div class="input-group">
<label class="navbar-text me-2" for="id_email_input">
Enter your email to log in
placeholder="[email protected]"
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="row justify-content-center p-5 bg-body-tertiary rounded-3">
<div class="col-lg-6 text-center">
<h1 class="display-1 mb-4">{% block header_text %}{% endblock %}</h1>
Now our FT fails because the login form doesn’t send us to a real URL yet—you’ll
see the Not found:
message in the server output,
as well as the assertion reporting the content of the default 404 page:
$ python src/ test functional_tests.test_login [...] Not Found: /accounts/send_login_email [...] AssertionError: 'Check your email' not found in 'Not Found\nThe requested resource was not found on this server.'
Time to start writing some Django code.
We begin, like in the spike, by creating an app called accounts
to hold all the files related to login:
$ cd src && python startapp accounts
You could even do a commit just for that, to be able to distinguish the placeholder app files from our modifications.
Next let’s rebuild our minimal user model, with tests this time, and see if it turns out neater than it did in the spike.
A Minimal Custom User Model
Django’s built-in user model makes all sorts of assumptions about what information you want to track about users, from explicitly recording first name and last name[2] to forcing you to use a username. I’m a great believer in not storing information about users unless you absolutely must, so a user model that records an email address and nothing else sounds good to me!
Let’s start straight away with a tests folder instead of in this app:
$ rm src/accounts/ $ mkdir src/accounts/tests $ touch src/accounts/tests/
And now let’s add add a to say:
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.test import TestCase
User = get_user_model()
class UserModelTest(TestCase):
def test_user_is_valid_with_email_only(self):
user = User(email="[email protected]")
user.full_clean() # should not raise
That gives us an expected failure:
django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: {'password': ['This field cannot be blank.'], 'username': ['This field cannot be blank.']}
Password? Username? Bah! How about this?
from django.db import models
class User(models.Model):
email = models.EmailField()
And we wire it up inside, adding accounts
and a variable called AUTH_USER_MODEL
# "django.contrib.admin",
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "accounts.User"
Now when we run our tests, Django complains that our custom user model is missing a couple of bits of metadata:
$ python src/ test accounts Traceback (most recent call last): [...] File ".../django/contrib/auth/", line 46, in check_user_model if not isinstance(cls.REQUIRED_FIELDS, (list, tuple)): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: type object 'User' has no attribute 'REQUIRED_FIELDS'
Sigh. Come on, Django, it’s only got one field, so you should be able to figure out the answers to these questions for yourself. Here you go:
class User(models.Model):
email = models.EmailField()
Next silly question?[3]
AttributeError: type object 'User' has no attribute 'USERNAME_FIELD'
And we go through a few more of these, until we get to:
class User(models.Model):
email = models.EmailField()
is_anonymous = False
is_authenticated = True
And now we get a slightly different error:
$ python src/ test accounts [...] SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues: ERRORS: accounts.User: (auth.E003) '' must be unique because it is named as the 'USERNAME_FIELD'.
Well, the simple way to fix that would be like this:
email = models.EmailField(unique=True)
And now we get a different error again, slightly more familiar this time! Django is a bit happier with the structure of our custom User model, but it’s unhappy about the database:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: accounts_user
In other words, we need to create a migration:
$ python src/ makemigrations Migrations for 'accounts': src/accounts/migrations/ + Create model User
And the test passes:
$ python src/ test accounts [...] Ran 1 tests in 0.001s OK
But our model isn’t quite as simple as it could be. It has the email field, and also an autogenerated "ID" field as its primary key. We could make it even simpler!
Tests as Documentation
Let’s go all the way and make the email field into the primary key,[4]
and thus implicitly remove the autogenerated id
Although we could just do it and our test would still pass, and conceivably claim it was "just a refactor", it would be better to have a specific test:
def test_email_is_primary_key(self):
user = User(email="[email protected]")
self.assertEqual(, "[email protected]")
It’ll help us remember if we ever come back and look at the code again in future:
self.assertEqual(, "[email protected]") AssertionError: None != '[email protected]'
Your tests can be a form of documentation for your code—they express what your requirements are of a particular class or function. Sometimes, if you forget why you’ve done something a particular way, going back and looking at the tests will give you the answer. That’s why it’s important to make your tests readable, including giving them explicit, verbose method names. |
And here’s the implementation (primary_key
makes the unique=True
email = models.EmailField(primary_key=True)
And we mustn’t forget to adjust our migrations:
$ rm src/accounts/migrations/ $ python src/ makemigrations Migrations for 'accounts': src/accounts/migrations/ + Create model User
Now both our tests pass:
$ python src/ test accounts [...] Ran 2 tests in 0.001s OK
It’s probably a good time for a commit, too.
A Token Model to Link Emails with a Unique ID
Next let’s build a token model. Here’s a short unit test that captures the essence—you should be able to link an email to a unique ID, and that ID shouldn’t be the same two times in a row:
from accounts.models import Token
class TokenModelTest(TestCase):
def test_links_user_with_auto_generated_uid(self):
token1 = Token.objects.create(email="[email protected]")
token2 = Token.objects.create(email="[email protected]")
self.assertNotEqual(token1.uid, token2.uid)
I won’t show every single listing for creating the Token class in; I’ll let you do that yourself instead. Driving Django models with basic TDD involves jumping through a few hoops because of the migration, so you’ll see a few iterations like this—minimal code change, make migrations, get new error, delete migrations, re-create new migrations, another code change, and so on…
$ python src/ test accounts [...] TypeError: Token() got unexpected keyword arguments: 'email'
I’ll trust you to go through these conscientiously—remember, I may not be able to see you, but the Testing Goat can!
$ python src/ makemigrations Migrations for 'accounts': src/accounts/migrations/ + Create model Token $ python src/ test accounts AttributeError: 'Token' object has no attribute 'uid'. Did you mean: 'id'? $ rm src/accounts/migrations/
Eventually you should get to this code…
class Token(models.Model):
email = models.EmailField()
uid = models.CharField(max_length=40)
And this error:
$ python src/ test accounts [...] self.assertNotEqual(token1.uid, token2.uid) AssertionError: '' == ''
And here we have to decide how to generate our random unique ID field.
We could use the random
module, but Python actually comes with another module
specifically designed for generating unique IDs called "uuid"
(for "universally unique id").
We can use it like this:
import uuid
class Token(models.Model):
email = models.EmailField()
uid = models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=40)
And, perhaps with a bit more wrangling of migrations, that should get us to passing tests:
$ python src/ test accounts [...] Ran 3 tests in 0.015s OK
Well, we are well on our way! The models layer is done, at least. In the next chapter, we’ll get into mocking, a key technique for testing external dependencies like email.