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Infrastructure As Code: Automated Deployments With Ansible

Automate, automate, automate.

— Cay Horstman
A Note for Early Release Readers

With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s raw and unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these technologies long before the official release of these titles.

This will be the 11th chapter of the final book. The GitHub repo is available at

If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or examples in this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter, please reach out to the author at [email protected].

In this chapter we’re going to spin up an actual server, make it accessible on the Internet with a real domain name, and then we’re going to install our app on it, using our container.

We could do all these things manually, but a key insight of modern software engineering is that small, frequent deployments are a must.[1] Frequent deployments rely on automation, so we’ll use an infrastructure automation tool called Ansible.

Automation is also key to making sure our tests give us true confidence over our deployments. If we go to the trouble of building a staging server,[2] we want to make sure that it’s as similar as possible to the production environment. By automating the way we deploy, and using the same automation for staging and prod, we give ourselves much more confidence.

The buzzword for automating your deployments these days is "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC).

Why not ping me a note once your site is live on the web, and send me the URL? It always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling…​ Email me at [email protected].
Warning, chapter under construction

As part of my work on the third edition of the book, I’m making big changes to the deployment chapters. This chapter is still a little "bare bones" and could do with a bit more explanatory content and guidance, but the core steps are all there, so I hope you’ll be able to follow along.

So as always I really, really need feedback. So please hit me up at [email protected], or via GitHub Issues and Pull Requests.

I hope you enjoy the new version!

Getting a Domain Name

We’re going to need a couple of domain names at this point in the book—​they can both be subdomains of a single domain. I’m going to use and If you don’t already own a domain, this is the time to register one! Again, this is something I really want you to actually do. If you’ve never registered a domain before, just pick any old registrar and buy a cheap one—​it should only cost you $5 or so, and you can even find free ones. I promise seeing your site on a "real" website will be a thrill.

Manually Provisioning a Server to Host Our Site

We can separate out "deployment" into two tasks:

  • Provisioning a new server to be able to host the code

  • Deploying a new version of the code to an existing server

Infrastructure-as-code tools can let you automate both of these, but the provisioning parts tend to be quite vendor-specific, so for the purposes of this book, we can live with manual provisioning.

I should probably stress once more that deployment is something that varies a lot, and that as a result there are few universal best practices for how to do it. So, rather than trying to remember the specifics of what I’m doing here, you should be trying to understand the rationale, so that you can apply the same kind of thinking in the specific future circumstances you encounter.

Choosing Where to Host Our Site

There are loads of different solutions out there these days, but they broadly fall into two camps:

  • Running your own (probably virtual) server

  • Using a Platform-As-A-Service (PaaS) offering like Heroku or my old employers, PythonAnywhere.

Particularly for small sites, a PaaS offers a lot of advantages, and I would definitely recommend looking into them. We’re not going to use a PaaS in this book however, for several reasons. The main reason is that I want to avoid endorsing specific commercial providers. Secondly, all the PaaS offerings are quite different, and the procedures to deploy to each vary a lot—​learning about one doesn’t necessarily tell you about the others. Any one of them might radically change their process or business model by the time you get to read this book.

Instead, we’ll learn just a tiny bit of good old-fashioned server admin, including SSH and manual server config. They’re unlikely to ever go away, and knowing a bit about them will get you some respect from all the grizzled dinosaurs out there.

Spinning Up a Server

I’m not going to dictate how you spin up a server—​whether you choose Amazon AWS, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, your own server in a data centre, or a Raspberry Pi in a cupboard under the stairs, any solution should be fine, as long as:

  • Your server is running Ubuntu 22.04 (aka "Jammy/LTS").

  • You have root access to it.

  • It’s on the public internet (ie, it has a public IP address).

  • You can SSH into it.

I’m recommending Ubuntu as a distro because it’s popular and I’m used to it. If you know what you’re doing, you can probably get away with using something else, but I won’t be able to help you as much if you get stuck.

If you’ve never started a Linux server before and you have absolutely no idea where to start, I wrote a very brief guide on GitHub.

Some people get to this chapter, and are tempted to skip the domain bit, and the "getting a real server" bit, and just use a VM on their own PC. Don’t do this. It’s not the same, and you’ll have more difficulty following the instructions, which are complicated enough as it is. If you’re worried about cost, have a look at the guide I wrote for free options.

User Accounts, SSH, and Privileges

In the following instructions, I’m assuming that you have a nonroot user account set up, and that it has "sudo" privileges, so whenever we need to do something that requires root access, we use sudo, (or "become" in Ansible terminology); I’ll be explicit about that in the various instructions that follow.

My user is called "elspeth", but you can call yours whatever you like! Just remember to substitute it in all the places I’ve hardcoded it. See the guide I wrote if you need tips on creating a sudo user.


A serious discussion of server security is beyond the scope of this book, and I’d warn against running your own servers without learning a good bit more about it. (One reason people choose to use a PaaS to host their code is that it means a slightly fewer security issues to worry about.) If you’d like a place to start, here’s as good a place as any:

I can definitely recommend the eye-opening experience of installing fail2ban and watching its logfiles to see just how quickly it picks up on random drive-by attempts to brute force your SSH login. The internet is a wild place!

Configuring DNS for Staging and Live Domains

We don’t want to be messing about with IP addresses all the time, so we should point our staging and live domains to the server. At my registrar, the control screens looked a bit like Domain setup.

Registrar control screen for adding a DNS record
Figure 1. Domain setup

In the DNS system, pointing a domain at a specific IP address is called an "A-Record". All registrars are slightly different, but a bit of clicking around should get you to the right screen in yours. You’ll need two A-records: one for the staging address and one for the live one. No need to worry about any other type of record.

DNS records take some time to "propagate" around the world (it’s controlled by a setting called "TTL", Time To Live), so once you’ve set up your A-record, you can check its progress on a "propagation checking" service like this one:

I’m planning to host my staging server at


Infrastructure-as-code tools, also called "configuration management" tools, come in lots of shapes and sizes. Chef and Puppet were two of the original ones, and you’ll probably come across Terraform, which is particularly strong on managing cloud services like AWS.

We’re going to use Ansible, because it’s relatively popular, because it can do everything we need it to, because I’m biased that it happens to be written in Python, and because it’s probably the one I’m personally most familiar with.

Another tool could probably have worked just as well! The main thing to remember is the concept, which is that, as much as possible we want to manage our server configuration declaratively, by expressing the desired state of the server in a particular configuration syntax, rather than specifying a procedural series of steps to be followed one by one.

Ansible vs SSH: How we’ll Talk to our Server

Figure 2. Ansible and SSH

Our objective is to use Ansible to automate the process of deploying to our server: making sure that the server has everything it needs to run our app (mostly, Docker and our container image), and then telling it to start or restart our container.

Now and again, we’ll want to "log on" to the server and have a look around manually: for that, we’ll use the ssh command-line on our computer, which can let us open up an interactive console on the server.

Finally, we’ll run our functional tests against the server, once it’s running our app, to make sure it’s all working correctly.

Installing Ansible

Take a look at the Ansible installation guide for all the various options, but probably the simplest thing to do is to install Ansible into the virtualenv on our local machine:

$ pip install ansible
# we also need the Docker SDK for the ansible/docker integration to work:
$ pip install docker

A First Cut of an Ansible Playbook

Let’s dip our toes into Ansible, and see if we can get it to run a simple "hello world" container on our server.

Here’s what’s called a "playbook" in Ansible terminology. It’s in a format called YAML (Yet Another Markup Language), which, if you’ve never come across before, you will soon develop a love-hate relationship[3] for.

Let’s create a new folder called infra at the top level of our project, and we’ll put the provisioning script in there:

infra/ansible-provision.yaml (ch11l001)
- hosts: all


    - name: Install docker  (1)
      ansible.builtin.apt:  (2)
        name:  (3)
        state: latest
        update_cache: true
      become: true

    - name: Run test container
        name: testcontainer
        state: started
        image: busybox
        command: echo hello world
      become: true
1 An Ansible playbook is a series of "tasks" (so in that sense it’s still quite sequential and procedural), but the individual tasks themselves are quite declarative. Each one usually has a human-readable name attribute.
2 Each task uses an Ansible "module" to do its work. This one uses the builtin.apt module which provides a wrapper around the apt Debian & Ubuntu package management tool.
3 Each module then provides a bunch of parameters which control how it works. Here we specify the name of the package we want to install (""[4]) and tell it to update its cache first, which is required on a fresh server.

Most Ansible modules have pretty good documentation, check out the builtin.apt one for example; I often skip to the Examples section.

Once we have our playbook, the command to actually execute the playbook against our server is ansible-playbook. We pass in our nonroot username with --user, and the -i flag points at the server we want to talk to. -vv says to print out medium-verbose output.

$ ansible-playbook --user=elspeth -i, infra/ansible-provision.yaml -vv
ansible-playbook [core 2.16.3]
  config file = None
No config file found; using defaults
BECOME password:
Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback.

PLAYBOOK: ansible-provision.yaml **********************************************
1 plays in infra/ansible-provision.yaml

PLAY [all] ********************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:2
ok: []
PLAYBOOK: ansible-provision.yaml **********************************************
1 plays in infra/ansible-provision.yaml

TASK [Install docker] *********************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:6
ok: [] => {"cache_update_time": 1708981325, "cache_updated": true, "changed": false}

TASK [Install docker] *************************************************************************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:6
changed: [] => {"cache_update_time": [...]
"cache_updated": true, "changed": true, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [],
"stdout": "Reading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading [...]
information...\nThe following additional packages will be installed:\n
wmdocker\nThe following NEW packages will be installed:\n  docker wmdocker\n0

TASK [Run test container] *****************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:13
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "container":
{"AppArmorProfile": "docker-default", "Args": ["hello", "world"], "Config":

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************         : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

I don’t know about you, but whenever I make a terminal spew out a stream of output, I like to make little brrp brrp brrp noises, a bit like the computer Mother, in Alien. Ansible scripts are particularly satisfying in this regard.

You may need to use the --ask-become-pass argument to ansible-playbook if you get an error "Missing sudo password".

SSHing Into the Server and Viewing Container Logs

Time to get into some good old-fashioned sysadmin! Let’s SSH into our server and see if we can see any evidence that our container has run.

We use docker ps -a to view all containers, including old/stopped ones, and we can use docker logs to view the output from one of them:

$ ssh [email protected]
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-67-generic x86_64)

elspeth@server$ docker ps -a
3a2e600fbe77   busybox   "echo hello world"   2 days ago   Exited (0) 10
minutes ago             testcontainer

elspeth@server:$ docker logs testcontainer
hello world
Look out for that elspeth@server in the command-line listings in this chapter. It indicates commands that must be run on the server, as opposed to commands you run on your own PC.

SSHing in to check things worked is a key server debugging skill! It’s something we want to practice on our staging server, because ideally we’ll want to avoid doing it on production machines.

Let’s move on to trying to get our actual docker container running on the server. As we go through, you’ll see that we’re going to work through very similar issues to the ones we’ve already figured our way through in the last couple of chapters:

  • Configuration

  • Networking

  • And the database.

Getting our image onto the server

Typically, you can "push" and "pull" container images to a "container registry" — Docker offers a public one called DockerHub, and organisations will often run private ones, hosted by cloud providers like AWS.

So your process of getting an image onto a server is usually

  • Push the image from your machine to the registry

  • Pull the image from the registry onto the server. Usually this step is implicit, in that you just specify the image name in the format registry-url/image-name:tag, and then docker run takes care of pulling down the image for you.

But I don’t want to ask you to create a DockerHub account, or implicitly endorse any particular provider, so we’re going to "simulate" this process by doing it manually.

It turns out you can "export" a container image to an archive format, manually copy that to the server, and then re-import it. In Ansible config, it looks like this:

infra/ansible-provision.yaml (ch11l002)
- hosts: all

    - name: Install docker
        state: latest
      become: true

    - name: Export container image locally  (1)
        name: superlists
        archive_path: /tmp/superlists-img.tar
        source: local

    - name: Upload image to server  (2)
        src: /tmp/superlists-img.tar
        dest: /tmp/superlists-img.tar

    - name: Import container image on server  (3)
        name: superlists
        load_path: /tmp/superlists-img.tar
        source: load
        force_source: true  (4)
        state: present
      become: true

    - name: Run container
        name: superlists
        image: superlists
        state: started
        recreate: true
Colima users on MacOS may need to set an env var to get the ansible-docker integration to work in the "Export container image locally" stage: DOCKER_HOST=unix:///$HOME/.colima/default/docker.sock
1 We export the docker image to a .tar file by using the docker_image module with the archive_path set to temp file, and setting the delegate_to attribute to say we’re running that command on our local machine rather than the server.
2 We then use the copy module to upload the tarfile to the server
3 And we use docker_image again but this time with load_path and source: load to import the image back on the server
4 the force_source flag tells the server to attempt the import, even if an image of that name already exists.

Let’s run the new version of our playbook, and see if we can upload a docker image to our server and get it running:

$ ansible-playbook --user=elspeth -i, infra/ansible-provision.yaml -vv

PLAYBOOK: ansible-provision.yaml **********************************************
1 plays in infra/ansible-provision.yaml

PLAY [all] ********************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:2
ok: []

TASK [Install docker] *********************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:5
ok: [] => {"cache_update_time": 1708982855, "cache_updated": false, "changed": false}

TASK [Export container image locally] *****************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:11
changed: [ ->] => {"actions": ["Archived image
superlists:latest to /tmp/superlists-img.tar, overwriting archive with image
11ff3b83873f0fea93f8ed01bb4bf8b3a02afa15637ce45d71eca1fe98beab34 named
superlists:latest"], "changed": true, "image": {"Architecture": "amd64",

TASK [Upload image to server] *************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:18
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "checksum":
"313602fc0c056c9255eec52e38283522745b612c", "dest": "/tmp/superlists-img.tar",

TASK [Import container image on server] ***************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:23
changed: [] => {"actions": ["Loaded image superlists:latest
from /tmp/superlists-img.tar"], "changed": true, "image": {"Architecture":
"amd64", "Author": "", "Comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0", "Config":

TASK [Run container] **********************************************************
task path: ...goat-book/superlists/infra/ansible-provision.yaml:32
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "container":
{"AppArmorProfile": "docker-default", "Args": ["--bind", ":8888",
"superlists.wsgi:application"], "Config": {"AttachStderr": true, "AttachStdin":
false, "AttachStdout": true, "Cmd": ["gunicorn", "--bind", ":8888",
"superlists.wsgi:application"], "Domainname": "", "Entrypoint": null, "Env":

For completeness, let’s also add a step to explicitly build the image locally. This means we don’t have a dependency on having run docker build locally.

infra/ansible-provision.yaml (ch11l003)
    - name: Install docker

    - name: Build container image locally
        name: superlists
        source: build
        state: present
          path: ..
          platform: linux/amd64  (1)
        force_source: true

    - name: Export container image locally
1 I needed this platform attribute to work around an issue with compatibility between Apple’s new ARM-based chips and our server’s x86/amd64 architecture. You could also use this platform: to cross-build docker images for a Rasberry Pi from a regular PC, or vice-versa. It does no harm in any case.

Now let’s see if it works!

$ ssh [email protected]
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-67-generic x86_64)

elspeth@server$ docker ps -a
3a2e600fbe77   busybox   "echo hello world"   2 days ago   Exited (0) 10
minutes ago             testcontainer
129e36a42190   superlists   "/bin/sh -c 'gunicor…"   About a minute ago
Exited (3) About a minute ago             superlists

elspeth@server:$ docker logs superlists
[2024-02-26 22:19:15 +0000] [1] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
[2024-02-26 22:19:15 +0000] [1] [INFO] Listening at: (1)
[2024-02-26 22:19:15 +0000] [1] [INFO] Using worker: sync
  File "/src/superlists/", line 22, in <module>
    SECRET_KEY = os.environ["DJANGO_SECRET_KEY"]
  File "<frozen os>", line 685, in getitem
[2024-02-26 22:19:15 +0000] [7] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 7)
[2024-02-26 22:19:15 +0000] [1] [ERROR] Worker (pid:7) exited with code 3
[2024-02-26 22:19:15 +0000] [1] [ERROR] Shutting down: Master
[2024-02-26 22:19:15 +0000] [1] [ERROR] Reason: Worker failed to boot.

Whoops, we need to set those environment variables on the server too.

If you see an error saying "Error connecting: Error while fetching server API version", it may be because the Python Docker SDK can’t find your docker daemon. Try restarting Docker Desktop if you’re on Windows or a Mac. If you’re not using the standard docker engine, with Colima for example, you may need to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable or use a symlink to point to the right place. See the Colima FAQ.

Using an env File to Store Our Environment Variables

When we run our container manually locally, we can pass in environment variables with the -e flag. But we don’t want to hard-code secrets like SECRET_KEY into our Ansible files and commit them to our repo!

Instead, we can use Ansible to automate the creation of a secret key, and then save it to a file on the server, where it will be relatively secure (better than saving it to version control and pushing it to GitHub in any case!)

We can use a so-called "env file" to store environment variables. Env files are essentially a list of key-value pairs using shell syntax, a bit like you’d use with export.

One extra subtlety is that we want to vary the actual contents of the env file, depending on where we’re deploying to. Each server should get its own unique secret key, and we want different config for staging and prod, for example.

So, just as we inject variables into our html templates in Django, we can use a templating language called "jinja2" to have variables in our env file. It’s a common tool in Ansible scripts, and the syntax is very similar to Django’s.

Here’s what our template for the env file will look like:

infra/env.j2 (ch11l004)
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY={{ secret_key }}

And here’s how we use it in the provisioning script:

infra/ansible-provision.yaml (ch11l005)
    - name: Import container image on server

    - name: Ensure .env file exists
      ansible.builtin.template:  (1)
        src: env.j2
        dest: ~/superlists.env
        force: false  # do not recreate file if it already exists. (2)
      vars:  (3)
        host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"  (4)
        secret_key: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null length=32 chars=ascii_letters') }}"  (5)

    - name: Run container
        name: superlists
        image: superlists
        state: started
        recreate: true
        env_file: ~/superlists.env  (6)
1 We use ansible.builtin.template to specify the local template file to use (src), and the destination (dest) on the server
2 force: false means we will only write the file once. So after the first time we generate our secret key, it won’t change.
3 The vars section defines the variables we’ll inject into our template.
4 We actually use a built-in Ansible variable called inventory_hostname. This variable would actually be available in the template already, but I’m renaming it for clarity.
5 This lookup('password') thing I copy-pasted from StackOverflow. Come on there’s no shame in that.
6 Here’s where Ansible tells Docker to use our env file when it runs our container.
Using an env file to store secrets is definitely better than committing it to version control, but it’s maybe not the state of the art either. You’ll probably come across more advanced alternatives from various cloud providers, or Hashicorp’s Vault tool.
Idempotence and Declarative Configuration

Infrastructure-as-code tools like Ansible aim to be "declarative", meaning that, as much as possible, you specify the desired state that you want, rather than specifying a series of steps to get there.

This concept goes along with the idea of "idempotence", which is is when you want a thing that has the same effect, whether it is run just once, or multiple times.

An example is the apt module that we used to install docker. It doesn’t crash if docker is already installed, and in fact, Ansible is smart enough to check first before trying to install anything.

There is some subtlety here, for example, our templated env file will only be written once, so the step is idempotent in the sense that it doesn’t overwrite the file with a new random secret key every time you run it. But that does come with the downside that you can’t easily add new variables to the file.

Probably a more sophisticated solution involving separate files for the secret and other parts of the config would be better, but I wanted to keep this (already long) chapter as simple as possible.

Let’s run the latest version of our playbook and see how our tests get on:

$ ansible-playbook --user=elspeth -i, infra/ansible-provision.yaml -v
PLAYBOOK: ansible-provision.yaml **********************************************
1 plays in infra/ansible-provision.yaml

PLAY [all] ********************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Install docker] *********************************************************
ok: [] => {"cache_update_time": 1709136057, "cache_updated":
false, "changed": false}

TASK [Build container image locally] ******************************************
changed: [ ->] => {"actions": ["Built image [...]

TASK [Export container image locally] *****************************************
changed: [ ->] => {"actions": ["Archived image [...]

TASK [Upload image to server] *************************************************
changed: [] => {"changed": true, [...]

TASK [Import container image on server] ***************************************
changed: [] => {"actions": ["Loaded image [...]

TASK [Ensure .env file exists] ************************************************
changed: [] => {"changed": true, [...]

TASK [Run container] **********************************************************
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "container": [...]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************         : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Looks good! What do our tests think?

More debugging

We run our tests as usual and run into a new problem:

$ python src/ test functional_tests
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Reached error page:

That neterror makes me think it’s another networking problem.

If your domain provider puts up a temporary holding page, you may get a 404 rather than a connection error at this point, and the traceback might have NoSuchElementException instead.

Let’s try our standard debugging technique, of using curl both locally and then from inside the container on the server. First, on our own machine:

$ curl -iv
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80 after 25 ms: Couldn't
connect to server
Similarly, depending on your domain/hosting provider, you may see "Host not found" here instead.

Now let’s ssh in to our server and take a look at the docker logs:

elspeth@server$ docker logs superlists
[2024-02-28 22:14:43 +0000] [7] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
[2024-02-28 22:14:43 +0000] [7] [INFO] Listening at: (7)
[2024-02-28 22:14:43 +0000] [7] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2024-02-28 22:14:43 +0000] [8] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 8

No errors there. Let’s try our curl:

elspeth@server$ curl -iv localhost
*   Trying
* connect to port 80 failed: Connection refused
*   Trying ::1:80...
* connect to ::1 port 80 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to localhost port 80 after 0 ms: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80 after 0 ms: Connection refused

Hmm, curl fails on the server too. But all this talk of port 80, both locally and on the server, might be giving us a clue. Let’s check docker ps:

elspeth@server:$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE        COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS
1dd87cbfa874   superlists   "/bin/sh -c 'gunicor…"   9 minutes ago   Up 9
minutes             superlists

This might be ringing a bell now—​we forgot the ports.

We want to map port 8888 inside the container as port 80 (the default web/http port) on the server:

infra/ansible-provision.yaml (ch11l006)
    - name: Run container
        name: superlists
        image: superlists
        state: started
        recreate: true
        env_file: ~/superlists.env
        ports: 80:8888

That gets us to:

selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate
element: [id="id_list_table"]; [...]

Mounting the database on the server and running migrations

Taking a look at the logs from the server, we can see that the database is not initialised:

$ ssh elspeth@server docker logs superlists
django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: lists_list

We need to mount the db.sqlite3 file from the filesystem outside the container, just like we did in local dev, and we need to run migrations each time we deploy too.

Here’s how to do that in our playbook:

infra/ansible-provision.yaml (ch11l007)
    - name: Ensure db.sqlite3 file exists outside container
        path: /home/elspeth/db.sqlite3
        state: touch  (1)

    - name: Run container
        name: superlists
        image: superlists
        state: started
        recreate: true
        env_file: ~/superlists.env
        mounts:  (2)
          - type: bind
            source: /home/elspeth/db.sqlite3
            target: /src/db.sqlite3
        ports: 80:8888

    - name: Run migration inside container
      community.docker.docker_container_exec:  (3)
        container: superlists
        command: ./ migrate
1 We use file with state=touch to make sure a placeholder file exists before we try and mount it in
2 Here is the mounts config, which works a lot like the --mount flag to docker run.
3 And we use the API for docker exec to run the migration command inside the container.

Let’s give that playbook a run and…​

$ ansible-playbook --user=elspeth -i, infra/ansible-provision.yaml -v
TASK [Run migration inside container] *****************************************
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "rc": 0, "stderr": "",
"stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "Operations to perform:\n  Apply all migrations:
auth, contenttypes, lists, sessions\nRunning migrations:\n  Applying
contenttypes.0001_initial... OK\n  Applying
contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK\n  Applying
auth.0001_initial... OK\n  Applying
auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK\n  Applying
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************         : ok=9    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

It workssss


$ python src/ test functional_tests
Found 3 test(s).

Ran 3 tests in 13.537s
More Debugging Tips and Commands

A few more places to look and things to try, now that we’ve introduced Docker into the mix, should things not go according to plan—​all of these should be run on the server, inside an SSH session:

  • You can check the Container logs using docker logs superlists.

  • You can get detailed info on the Container using docker inspect superlists. This is a good place to go check on environment variables, port mappings, and exactly which image was running, for example.

  • You can inspect the image with docker image inspect superlists. You might need this to check the exact image hash, to make sure it’s the same one you built locally.

You now have a live website! Tell all your friends! Tell your mum, if no one else is interested! Or, tell me! I’m always delighted to see a new reader’s site! [email protected]

In the next chapter, it’s back to coding again.

Further Reading

There’s no such thing as the One True Way in deployment; I’ve tried to set you off on a reasonably sane path, but there are plenty of things you could do differently, and lots, lots more to learn besides. Here are some resources I used for inspiration:


Automated Deployment Recap

Here’s a brief recap of what we’ve been through, which are a fairly typical set of steps for deployment in general

  1. Provisioning a server. This tends to be vendor-specific, so we didn’t automate it, but you absolutely can!

  2. Installing system dependencies - in our case, it was mainly Docker, but inside the Docker image, we also had some system dependencies too, like Python itself.

  3. Getting our application code (or "artifacts") onto the server. In our case, since we’re using Docker, the thing we needed to transfer was a Docker image. We used a manual process, but typically you’d push and pull to an image repository.

  4. Setting environment variables and secrets. Depending on how you need to vary them, you can set environment variables on your local PC, in a Dockerfile, in your Ansible scripts, or on the server itself. Figuring out which to use in which case is a big part of deployment.

  5. Attaching to the Database. In our case we mount a file from the local filesystem. More typically, you’d be supplying some environment variables and secrets to define a host, port, username and password to use for accessing a database server.

  6. Configuring networking and port mapping. This includes DNS config, as well as Docker configuration. Web apps need to be able to talk to the outside world!

  7. Running Database migrations. We’ll revisit this later in the book, but migrations are one of the most risky part of a deployment, and automating them is a key part of reducing that risk.

  8. Switching across to the new version of our application. In our case, we stop the old container and start a new one. In more advanced setups, you might be trying to achieve zero-downtime deploys, and looking into techniques like red-green deployments.

Every single aspect of deployment can and probably should be automated. Here are a couple of general principles to think about when implementing infrastructure-as-code:


If your deployment script is deploying to existing servers, you need to design them so that they work against a fresh installation and against a server that’s already configured.


As much as possible, we want to try and specify what we want the state to be on the server, rather than how we should get there. This goes hand-in-hand with the idea of idempotence above.

1. This insight, from Nicole Forsgren and the "State of Devops" reports are some of the only firm science we have in the field of software engineering. See
2. Depending on where you work, what I’m calling a "staging" server, some people would call a "development" server, and some others would also like to distinguish "preproduction" servers. Whatever we call it, the point is to have somewhere we can try our code out in an environment that’s as similar as possible to the real production server. As we’ll see, Docker isn’t quite enough!
3. The "love" part is that YAML is very easy to read and scan through at a glance. The "hate" part is that the actual syntax is surprisingly fiddly to get right: the difference between lists and key/value maps is subtle and I can never quite remember it honestly.
4. In the official docker installation instructions, you’ll see a recommendation to install docker via a private package repository. I wanted to avoid that complexity for the book, but you should probably follow those instructions in a real-world scenario, to make sure your version of Docker has all the latest security patches.
